To Order/Contact Us

Payment Method:

Secure SiteHow To Order:

If Order Form doesn't work with your browser, please order by E-mail. (Order Form works with Internet Explorer and Netscape. JavaScript must be ON.
If you choose to E-mail us, please write all information listed in our Order Form.
However, we do not recommend putting your credit card number on the E-mail (for your credit card security). If you choose to place an order by credit card, use our Order Form. Or send us your credit card number and expiration date in separate e-mails.

If you are outside of the US, CANADA, JAPAN, SINGAPORE, GREAT BRITAIN, HONG KONG, PHILIPPINES, TAIWAN or KOREA, please contact us for the shipping charges.

If you want to resale our products, please send us an E-mail (click here) for the wholesale information.
Thank you.